Okay, so I've never had any of my teeth pulled, but it does not look like my idea of a good time.
Bayside is one of my favorite bands. They're a little dark at times, but I love their lyrics. They have a great line that I've been thinking about a lot lately.
"You're pulling out your teeth, and I'm the Novocaine you pump in your cheek."
So, this line really got me thinking about what I like to call our "guilty pleasures" in life. The things we do to make ourselves feel better when life sucks. I feel like most of the time (if not ALL of the time) this turns out to be self-destructive. Alcohol, sex, drugs, food, cutting . . . pick your poison. I'll admit that it's great at first, but pretty soon it's "feel good" powers start to wear off. Then you find yourself doing it just because you don't know what else to do, and you still feel like crap. Actually you feel worse about yourself. Man, it's such a great song! I keep listening to it over and over again. If you wanna check it out, it's called "They're Not Horses, They're Unicorns".
Anyway, I didn't mean this to be a dramatic post. Just something that's been on my mind the past few days . . .