Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Vegan Week . . .

So, I have this great friend at work that just happens to be Vegan. I have never had the desire to even be Vegetarian, let alone Vegan, but I was rather intrigued by her lifestyle choice. So I decided to try it out for a week.

Now, when I first started I really was excited. I thought to myself, "This will be a piece of cake!" (As long as it's Vegan cake.) I looked up recipes and bought lots of vegetables and beans and lentils. I even bought a turnip which I've never had!

So I went to work on Monday with some delicious veggie sandwich fixins. I figured a week was nothing. A person could do anything for a week, right? Right! Tuesday came and went with no problems. I was still going Vegan strong!

Wednesday was a bit of a rough day for me, and I actually wanted a hamburger on my way home from work. I convinced myself that a hamburger would still taste just as good next week, so I got a small fry and went home and made some vegetable soup instead.

I didn't think Thursday would be bad because I decided to get a cheese-less pizza! It was delicious, but I just kept thinking about how it would be so much better with cheese on it. I just kept telling myself that I could do it.

Friday was the real clincher, though. It was my first day off all week. I'd been eating the same vegan dishes for lunch all week, so I was starting to get sick of it. I was hating food! Everytime I would even think about the veggie soup I'd been eating half the week for lunch, I wanted to throw up. I went to a party that night and I couldn't eat anything. I was in a grumpy mood all day.

And that's when I decided to just screw it. It's not like I was doing it for any good, moral reason. I just wanted to see what it was like. I figured five days was plenty of time. So, Saturday morning I went to brunch with my sister and had eggs, bacon, and toast with real butter! It made me so happy I even bought some flowers for my roommates on the way home! And what's funny is that I didn't even make the connection! Vicki's the one that noticed I was feeling much better after eating some protein.

So, the moral of the story is this: Unless you like hating your life, eat Meat! And Dairy! And Eggs! . . . Also, I don't like turnips :(


~Crystal~ said...

Haha, Cherelle, that's awesome! :D

The Mathesons said...

First of all, I think you are crazy for attempting this! Way to go for lasting 5 days, because just thinking about trying to go all rabbit-food makes me want to drive to Big Judd's right now and order a 2 pound burger. If I had to choose between meat and chocolate, I don't know what I would do. Probably just make chocolate meat... two great things, they'd have to go together, right?!
Mmmmm.... burger.

Jared and Katy said...

As Jared would say, "We're meatitarians!" I probably could never be vegan...good effort though

Chad and Sarah said...

Oh Cherelle how I miss thee!!! PS...I'm going to be a mom! Crazy huh? Hope life is treating you good! -Sarah