May 7, 2006
Climbing A Mountain
- When we can't see around the corner of the trail, we just need to have faith that Heavenly Father knows what's in store for us. We don't need to see that far ahead if we have faith.
- Sometimes people feel like they have to be strong and brave, and they can't show any weakness. That's why we need to check on them. We need to make sure that our brothers and sisters are okay because they won't always tell us.
- Sometimes the trail seems so long and we're not sure we can make it to the end. We're not even sure we can go a little farther. But then, with Heavenly Father's help, we do go farther. Then we're so tired, we know that since we have Heavenly Father's help, we can keep going if we need to, but He shows us the end. And we're so grateful that we asked for His help, and that we made it to the end. It hurts so good to be where we are, to be a little more acquainted with God.
- When we're in parts where there is no trail, where we only can use our faith to find our way. And you fall down so many times. And you want to just give up, you just want to be done. It's taking so long. And you realize it may seem harder and longer for you than for anyone else, but it's so worth it! You've accomplished something! You did something you didn't think you could, and that gives you strength to go out and conquer some more.
So glad I found that :) Now, if only I could find that Fahrenheit 451 quote . . .