Sunday, October 17, 2010

Family Ties

Remember the show Family Ties? Alex P. Keaton was probably my favorite, but who didn't love Michael J. Fox? Here's a few bloopers:

I was supposed to have a girls night with some of my co-workers last night, but it fell through at the last minute. I got a text from

though, inviting me to dinner. I should've gone home and done homework, but I took them up on their offer. Scott was nice enough to pick me up from work, and when we got to Katie's house dinner was ready. It was a delicious and healthy, mexican-esque dish. Then we decided to go to the dollar theater and see

Scott and I talked about politics all through the opening credits. We all enjoyed the movie, and then went back to Katie's house to play

It was just such a fun, low-key night with the family.

We were also talking about how excited we are to see more of our family next week at Sean and Annie's wedding!

Mom and Brent will be here with Justin,

and Barb and Jeff with all the kids!

And I'm pretty sure Nichole's coming and bringing her kids, who I've never met!

I am just so grateful for my family. We've been through some rough times, but we've come out ahead. They really do mean the world to me! I'm so grateful to have Scott, Katie, Sean, and now Annie so close! Mom and Brent are just a hop, skip, and a jump away in California. I miss when Kali just lived in Provo :(

But I can't wait to go visit her in DC!

1 comment:

kali said...

ya, your family is pretty great!
you're lucky to have them so close. and we cant wait until you visit, too!